Featured Image honey bee
blog text 1An overcast day greeted me as I jogged along the winding road towards the forest trails in a tiny town called, Morbach.  Situated on Southwestern side of Germany it is a beautiful, but lesser known area.  When my German friends hear my whereabouts, they generally ask, “where is that?” The charm of the place really is in the feel of it.  A ReWe grocery down the road has all the sandwich meat and cheese you need for a nice outing of cardio and bee watching.  Which leads me to the point of the post, to show how cute these damn bees are.

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In every country I visit, searching for bees is a priority.  Finding them, watching them, talking to them, telling them they’re beautiful and complimenting how much pollen they have on their legs.  You know, the normal stuff a guy does when he’s talking to bees.

In this case, beautiful purple flowers were nestled up against the fields of golden wheat and the bees were working diligently to fill their hives with nectar and pollen for the winter to come. They know the flowers will wilt and die soon, and there will be no more food.  They’ll be forced to survive the cold, barren world only on what they have gathered in the summer.  A chilling thought indeed.

blog text 3Shooting with a 60mm macro lens was tricky due to all their buzzing about.  In about 200 pictures, these were the best I could manage.  Watching the bees work so diligently to ensure their future is an accurate representation of their goals made me aware of my own lack of jogging and off I went, busy as a bee.

As you scroll through the pictures think about how the bees only live through the winter on what they have gathered when flowers were blooming; its pretty amazing.


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