There was no escaping it. There was no changing it. We were in the Atlantic Ocean somewhere between the coast of the Carolinas and Bermuda. Approximately 800mi separated our 47ft boat and Myrtle Beach. Every direction I looked, 10ft swells rose and fell as 25kt winds blew the tops off the waves throwing salty spray into the...
The cherry blossoms of Japan are legendary. Sure, the food is delicious, and the sake is to be cherished, but the cherry blossoms are beauty beyond words. Stunning white and pink blossoms begin to show in Spring. Southern Japan blooms first in early March, then Tokyo flowers mid-March through early April, and finally, the harbinger of spring...
Cutest Baby Bison
The alarm went off sharply at 06:00, waking me from a wonderful dream. It was a dream where I traveled around in a camper van I built while photographing some of America’s most impressive critters. Just kidding, it was no dream at all! My alarm woke me right into that great life I was living, and I...

Single Antler Elk

When Ethel and I arrived in the Grand Tetons, it was early spring. Snow still covered much of the area which caused most of the roads to be closed. The only grassy areas of the park were in the lower elevations which concentrated all the animals into the fields. Looking over the herd of elk and bison...
Huge peaks in the distance, massive animals proudly strutting the fields, and sheep with horns so big the obvious fact must be mentioned in their name. The visual impact is so great, you might miss the tiniest critters whose diminutive stature makes them a challenge to spot. Their desire to go unnoticed generally leads to most of...